Mike Sinyard was formerly approved as Education Minister on October 12, 1983 at a called conference. A week later the following announcement appeared in the church bulletin:
In both morning worship services last Lord’s Day, the church voted unanimously to call Rev. Mike Sinyard as our Associate Pastor/Education. By telephone, Mike was extended the call to come to First Baptist. Mike accepted, and he, and his wife, Karen and son, Bailey, will be moving to our community in about a month.
James Michael Sinyard became Associate Pastor/Education at First Baptist, Lithia Springs, in November, 1983 He was born June 18, 1948, in Austell, the oldest of three children. Mike accepted Christ when he was nine years old here at First Baptist in 1957 on the last day of Vacation Bible School.

Mike has served Green Acres Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama; Gentian Baptist Church, Columbus, Georgia; Fairview Baptist Church in Columbus; and Southwest LaGrange Baptist Church in LaGrange, Georgia. He has conducted numerous Sunday School workshops for the State Sunday School Department, and has served as Associational Discipleship Training Director and Associational Sunday School Director for West Metro Bapist Association.
The ministry of education comprises a myriad of avenues and opportunities to “increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” Sunday School, Church Training, Vacation Bible School, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action and Acteens are just a few of the ways we minister through education.
In the same description Mike stated, “Being the Minister of Education at First Baptist is a challenge filled with countless blessings. It is a joy and privilege to serve God with you.
Today, November 16, 2008, the church is honoring Mike and Karen’s service to our church with a reception following the 6:00 p.m. service.